WWRPB ⎸ Driving Change
Performance Measures for RIF MoC
This will be a growing collection of the questions asked during the follow-up sessions
Post workshop & drop in session
resources & information
West Wales RPB Performance Reporting WG Workshop – 5 February 2024
- Post workshop & drop in session resources & information
Post workshop & drop in session resources & information
- WWRPB & WG Performance Reporting Workshop 5 Feb 2024
WWRPB & WG Performance Reporting Workshop 5 Feb 2024
Frequently Asked Questions
ModelS of Care
This will be a growing collection of the questions asked during the follow-up sessions
- Drop-In Sessions FAQ
You can view the structure of the RPB and the groups underneath here.
If you would like further details of the people involved in specific groups then please get in touch.
(Images Here)
The sub-groups are made up of stakeholders from Local Authorities, Health Board and 3rd Sector (including volunteers) with expertise and knowledge relating to a particular theme or population group e.g., commissioning or dementia. In many instances, they would inform the development of projects, prepare project proposals for submission through the relevant structures for approval, including the Healthier County Boards.
The Healthier Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire Boards determine their county’s approach to transforming, integrating and delivering care and support services in response to local, regional and national policies, strategies and guidance, informed by local demographics and available resources. They would consider and prioritise project proposals collated by the County Transformation Leads (CTLs), approving a portfolio of county projects for submission to the West Wales Regional Partnership Board Team (WWRPBT) for collation into regional portfolios for approval by the Integrated Executive Group (IEG).
Members of the IEG have statutory responsibilities for care and support services across the region and therefore, fulfil the executive function of the West Wales Regional Partnership Board (WWRPB). They scrutinise and approve the project portfolios collated by CTLs which have been supported by Healthier County Boards and make recommendations to the WWRPB if approved.
The WWRPB oversees the delivery of care and support services in response to the Social Services and Wellbeing Act (Wales) 2014 (SSWBA). They monitor progress on the region’s response to the SSWBA and endorse recommendations from the IEG, including regional funding proposals.
The County Transformation Leads work in an integrated role in a geographical county area. This allows closer working between the health board locality and the local authority.
Pembrokeshire – Paul Davies paul.davies16@wales.nhs.uk
Carmarthenshire – Victoria Edwards Victoria.m.edwards@wales.nhs.uk
Ceredigion – Joff Lee Jonathan.lee1@wales.nhs.uk
The Models of Care are the underlying principles of the RIF, and good practice will be highlighted and shared across projects within our region and will inform the national approach. Your project may one day become standard practice across the whole of Wales. The programme managers listed below are the link between your project and the reports to Welsh Government.
- MoC 1: Prevention and community coordination – Kevin Pett – KPett@carmarthenshire.gov.uk
- MoC 3: Promoting good emotional health and wellbeing – Kevin Pett – KPett@carmarthenshire.gov.uk
- MoC 2: Complex care closer to home
- MoC 5: Home from hospital – Simon Williams – sijwilliams@carmarthenshire.gov.uk
- MoC 4: Supporting families & therapeutic support for care experienced children – tbc – WWRPB@carmarthenshire.gov.uk
- MoC 6: Accommodation based solutions – Kim Neyland – kneyland@carmarthenshire.gov.uk
- Unpaid Carers & Dementia – Monica Bason-Flaquer – mabason-flaquer@carmarthenshire.gov.uk
If you are a project lead, in the first instance, please contact your County Transformation Lead, who will advise on the process specific to your circumstances and signpost on if required. If you work for a project, please contact your project lead first.
If this change has an impact on the delivery or management of the project, then yes. Changes should be notified to your County Transformation Lead as they are your direct project management support.
The RPB Team will also be supporting your project and the links with Welsh Government (WG), so if the changes affect the project lead, direct support, or a contact for the WG reporting requirements, please also notify the MoC Programme Manager so that the regional contacts list can be updated.
Yes, you can alter the wording of a standardised measure to make it more meaningful to your project but make a note of the original reference, so we are able to identify the common measures across projects.
Yes, you can also create your own measures. Any measures should be meaningful and useful to you and your project. If there is a better way of measuring the project benefits you are aiming to deliver, create your measure to capture it. Your County Transformation Lead or MoC Programme Manager can assist you or join one of our remaining Wednesday morning drop-in sessions.
Yes, you can review & amend your measures if the purpose of the project changes over time or if you think the measures are not capturing what was intended. Please communicate the changes to the measures through your County Transformation Lead and MoC Programme Manager, and explain the change in the evaluations, especially if the previous figures submitted are no longer comparable.
Absolutely, yes! If you already have measures that capture the project benefits, please use them. Let us know so that we can include the historic figures to show the change over time. We do not want to cause any unnecessary work! Any measures should be meaningful and useful to you and your project, and any reporting requirements through your management structures.
Yes, there is a relationship, they are all trying to prove the effectiveness towards delivering the project benefits. You can also think about them in terms of quantity, effectiveness, and change. A ‘How well?’ measure will typically be a percentage of a group that has had a specific outcome. To calculate a percentage, you will need to have two ‘How much?’ measures to capture the total group size and the number achieving the outcome.
‘Difference made’ measures are harder to capture in numbers because they tend to be more subjective to the experience of the customer/service user/patient. These could be a comparison against a regional or national measure that reports on trends outside of your project and how your project has increased/decreased in the same period. There may also be benchmarking surveys that can be used that may not be under your direct control but could show a change over time. Most of the ‘Difference made’ can be interpreted as part of your 6-monthly evaluations and your case studies.
There is no set minimum or maximum number of measures, but they should reflect the benefits your project is trying to deliver. If you cannot measure a benefit, it is difficult to determine if the funding is being used effectively. This is your evidence to show that the funding is making a difference, and that it should continue.
A well-managed project to try a new innovative approach may also use these measures to recognise that it is not delivering as expected and contributes to the learning to either amend the project or close it down.
In the same way! The region has access to many different funding sources for longer term schemes like RIF, short term strategic initiatives or as investment from core service budgets. Whatever the funding source, performance measures will allow you to prove the effectiveness (or otherwise) of your project. In West Wales, we have decided to report RIF projects as a whole to avoid the need to pro-rata performance according to the RIF contribution. This also allows projects to use the same measures to report to any funding source without creating extra work.
However, RIF funding is intended to improve integration and try new innovative approaches, not being used to plug a shortfall in funding, so the measures should be aiming to highlight the difference made.
A collection process is being developed to try and make this as easy as possible for you as project leads. The intention is to build an e-form that will populate the measures for your project. During August and September, you will be asked to submit your measures matrix so that the RPB Team can build them in to your submission form, and you will receive a link to review it ahead of the live submission for mid-year reports. This data will be initially used for RIF reporting but can be made openly available for you to use for any management reports you need.
Welsh Government ask for 6-monthly reports on RIF funded projects, so the minimum requirement is every 6 months at the end of quarter 2 (covering April to September) and quarter 4 (covering October to march). The more detail that can be collected will improve the reporting, so where possible, monthly reporting is preferred. If this is not possible, then quarterly reporting can be configured for those measures. This data will be initially used for RIF reporting but can be made openly available for you to use for any management reports you need.
Yes. As the measures matrices are submitted, the team will be converting these into the collection process. If anything doesn’t seem quite right, we will get in touch to discuss further. Follow up workshops to feed back on the first half year submissions are being arranged for November.
Yes, they can be submitted on a spreadsheet, provided all the required information is included.
This is part of the learning process, and it’s possible that not all outcomes will develop as expected. If a different indictor is demonstrating the value of the project, then it may be possible to include that in the evaluation or case study and make a note in the return that the indicator has changed. The performance measures are there to help you identify and understand the outcomes of the project – good or bad!
It may be different for each project. A performance measure could be there to measure the intended output, but be reported as zero through the setup stages. The evaluation section of the report will be the opportunity to explain the zero result and the preparatory activity that has been happening. Another option could be by setting milestones to delivery as the measure, then recording progress towards the milestones.
A MS Word version of the handbook has been added to the resources on the website.
(Link Here?)
Yes. Case studies are required for every 6 month reporting period. A minimum of:
- 1 service user/patient experience case study explaining how things have helped the individual
- 1 service delivery/system change case study explaining how things are being done differently to provide the service
No, but they should be in plain English/Welsh, clear, concise and avoid jargon and abbreviations. “Editor” in MS Word is a useful tool to check the readability of your document.
Not yet, but when we have one, we will share.
Send a request to wwrpb@carmarthenshire.gov.uk which will be responded to by a member of the team. Your Model of Care Programme Manager will also be monitoring the case studies being received to identify ones to be developed into a video story.
You can access our library of additional resources, including the Technical Handbook using the following link (Link Here?)
You can access our library of additional resources, including Case Studies using the following link (Link Here?) – if you would like our support in creating a video case study then please contact us on wwrpb@carmarthenshire.gov.uk
Post workshop & drop in session
Case Study Templates
- Post workshop & drop in session Case Study Templates
Post workshop & drop in session Case Study Templates
West Wales RPB Performance Reporting Story of Change Workshop
- Story of Change