
The RIC Hub Bevan Exemplar

Asthma Management

Improving Asthma Management in Primary School Children in Pembrokeshire

Approximately 21% of the pupils in Primary Schools in Pembrokeshire will have asthma, which is in the region of 900 to 1000 pupils. Educating these pupils, their parents, and the staff about all aspects of asthma is likely to better equip them to manage their condition in both the short and longer term, leading to improved health outcomes, a reduction in emergency GP appointments for acute exacerbations, reduction in emergency admission and overnight hospital stays and a reduced risk of premature death. It will also lead to increased school attendance and participation in physical activity.

The initial contract is for a two year with an option to extend for a further 12 months should funding continue to be available.

Aim: Every patient to have a personal asthma action plan, training to be given on inhaler technique and education for parents, children and those who care for or teach them, should be educated about managing asthma, emphasising the ‘how’, ‘why’ and ‘when’ they should use their asthma medications, recognising when asthma is not controlled and knowing when and how to seek emergency advice. The setting would be within the Primary Schools setting not in a GP practice.

  • To confirm diagnosis of asthma or other cause for wheeze.
  • To educate and empower the pupils, their parents, and teachers about asthma to enable them to self-manage their condition.
  • Conduct the reviews in a child friendly environment to encourage full participation from the patient.


Anticipated outcomes:

  • Reduction in Asthma Deaths as per the National Review of Asthma Deaths (NRAD).
  • Education for parents, children and those who care for them.
  • Better control – how, why and when.
  • Recognising when Asthma is not controlled and knowing when and how to seek emergency advice
  • Structured Plan – Action plan in place
  • Training given on inhaler technique in a comfortable environment
  • Better Health of the Children
  • Holistic approach to health
  • Smoking Cessation – Families and children.
  • Improvement of school’s attendance
  • Increased sports participation – Child
  • Increased quality of life. Using CACT