
WWRPB Driving Change

What We Do

The West Wales Regional Partnership Board Team (WWRPBT) supports the WWRPB, providing strategic support for effecting change, coordinating development of the regional programme, liaising with Welsh Government and regional partners and engaging with people who use health and social care services.

The team monitors, reports on and evaluates programme outcomes, sharing best practice and lessons learned with partners, Welsh Government and the West Wales Regional Innovation Coordination Hub.

Driving Transformation through

#1 Innovation

To keep pace with medical and technological advances, reduce the demand on services and respond to the needs of the regional population, innovation is the key to transforming health and social care services. Regional Partnership Boards are viewed by Welsh Government as an effective mechanism to oversee deployment of regional funding that drives forward service innovation and transformation.

Working with partners from public, private and third sector organisations, the partnership board team facilitates the processes and relationships required to develop innovative practice, to recognise, evaluate and promote success and in partnership with the Regional Innovation Coordination Hub, to share learning from and scale up effective practice across the region.

Enhanced Services through

#2 Integration

People in receipt of health and social care support often have multiple needs, necessitating referrals to a range of services. Delays in accessing services at the right time due to multiple referrals are time consuming and frustrating for those they affect, an inefficient use of resource for those delivering services and may have a detrimental impact as conditions deteriorate, whilst need and costs escalate.

One of Welsh Government’s solutions to improving service integration is the implementation of National Models of Care, which are designed to ensure that services wrap around a person’s needs. The partnership board team facilitates the development of regional models of care, boards and groups across the region that support the development of integrated services for Children and Young People; Dementia; Learning Disabilities; Preventative Community Services; Unpaid Carers; Urgent and Emergency Care; Workforce Development and Capital Investment to support the development of Integrated Health and Social Care Community Hubs.

Shaping Healthcare Together

#3 Involvement

To ensure that services respond to what matters to people, it is essential that they are involved in their development or re-design. As a region, processes to engage and communicate effectively with people are reviewed constantly in response to circumstance. During the pandemic, much engagement and communication activity relied almost exclusively on technology and virtual services.

The partnership board team is developing a refreshed engagement and communications strategy to be implemented shortly. This will include: increased face to face engagement with people accessing health and social care services to capture and share their opinions and stories through a variety of media, including video diaries and social media; a refreshed events calendar to alert people to key events or access information and learning and updated processes for recruiting people with lived experience of using services themselves or caring for those that do, to be representatives on the West Wales Regional Partnership Board.