The RIC Hub ⎸ Connecting Innovators
Driving Change
The West Wales Regional Innovation Coordination (RIC) Hub is part of a national coordinated network with an emphasis on importing and exporting good practice, sharing learning and experience and driving adopt and spread activity which will benefit our region.

Who We Are
We are the West Wales Regional Innovation Coordination Hub, but you can call us the RIC Hub for short.

What We Do
We connect and empower health and social care innovators, driving positive change in West Wales through collaboration, ideas, and transformative initiatives

the Ideas Hub
Do you have an idea for innovation? Do you want to make a suggestion on how we can continue to evolve our services and make things better?

Who We Are & What We Do
About Us
The RIC Hub brings together different ideas, innovations and improvements for health and social care across the West Wales region.
We are a team uniquely established to connect NHS, academic organisations and local authorities including third sectors and other organisations in the industry, to increase the spread and adoption of innovation across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire.

Elin Brock
Head of Research, Innovation and Improvement
Elin leads the West Wales RIC Hub and is passionate about learning, change and co-production.

Barry Morgan
Partnership Manager
Barry leads on the collaboration of innovation across the Health and Social Care sectors in the region.
Regional Innovation Coordination Hub
What We Do
Share Your Innovative Ideas
the Ideas Hub
The RIC Hub would love to hear from you if you have an innovative idea that you feel could potentially make a huge difference to the services we provide. Feel free to drop us a line via the form with your ideas for change!
For general enquiries please contact us on
Please use the form below to get in touch with us and let us know your idea!