Regional Innovation Coordination Hub
Bevan Exemplars

Preventative care
Preventative care, powered by people
Background: Hywel Dda UHB and Welsh health-tech start-up Haelu are working towards more preventative and efficient community care, by helping

Gynaecology Services
Establishing Enhanced Community Gynaecology Services In A Rural Healthcare Setting Wales
Introduction: Post COVID recovery in gynaecology has received much focus. Establishing enhanced community gynaecology

Weight Management Service
Introduction Of A Multidisciplinary Biopsychosocial Assessment To The Level 3 Adult Weight Management Service (AWMS)
Background: Individuals’ first appointment within the AWMS historically was a

End of Life
Virtual Reality Technology in End of life Care
The use of virtual reality in palliative and end of life care has the potential to transform

Reduce waste
Using One Health approaches to reduce pharmaceutical & healthcare waste
This project aims to provide a viable solution for the issue of medicine and dressings

Asthma Management
Improving Asthma Management in Primary School Children in Pembrokeshire
The North and South Pembrokeshire Clusters are seeking to commission a service provider to Improve Asthma

Community of Practice
Development of a Community of Practice within General Medicine at Withybush General Hospital
The department of General Medicine occupies the majority of inpatient beds. Chronic

Brain Injury Therapy
Enhancing Psychological Therapy in Community Mental Health Services for Adults with a History of Brain Injury
The Project: Integrated Psychological Therapy Services (IPTS) provides a

HPV self-sampling
Develop And Pilot A Shared Decision Making Tool To Support HPV Self-Sampling Online
160 cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed in Wales each year. It

Prehab To Rehab
Prehab To Rehab – Optimising Health And Wellbeing For Individuals With Prostate Cancer- Integrating The Service With Primary Care
The project: In October 2021, a