
West Wales
Neurodivergence Support Event 2025

Wednesday 26th march 2025

10:00am - 4:00pm

Carmarthenshire Living Well CentrE,

 Building 1, Parc Dewi Sant, Carmarthen, SA31 3HB

Drop in and see what support is available for Neurodivergent individuals, their families, and support networks across West Wales.

This event is free and welcomes people of all ages.

Register your interest in attending HERE.

Where is the event being held?

The event will be held in the new Living Well Centre and the Church at Parc Dewi Sant. There is a café on site if you wish to purchase refreshments. This event will be signposted and staff will be there to help you find your way. 

Whats on?


10:00am - 4:00pm

We have a range of public sector, private and third sector organisations attending the event to showcase what they have on offer across West Wales all day. If your organisation or support group would be interested in joining us at the event, please email 

12:00pm - 12:30pm

Tumble Lindy Hop Jive are based at the Wellbeing Centre and will be offering a free inclusive dance session for all ages.

This can also be done seated. 

1:00pm - 2:30pm

People Speak Up run an art group every Wednesday at the Wellbeing Centre, and would like to offer you a chance to join in for free. 

Who is attending?


Additional Leanring needs Family Liaison Officers

Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Family Liaison Officers for Education, Carmarthenshire. (offering support and guidance for families).



Adferiad is a member-led charity that campaigns for and provides services to people affected by mental ill health, drug or alcohol use, gambling harms, and other challenging circumstances

Website: Adferiad Mental Health and Addiction Support Services

Age cymru dyfed

Age Cymru Dyfed operates across Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, and Ceredigion, supporting individuals over 50 to maintain independence and make the most of later life.



Barod Media & Assist My Life

Barod Community Interest Company is a new and innovative training and information company. Our owners and work force are an equal mix of disabled and non disabled people. We specialise in bridging the gap between public and private sector. organisations and the people they need to be talking and listening to.



CANDO: Carmarthen Neurodiversity Outreach Group

Grŵp cymorth awtistiaeth oedolion


Carers support west wales

The Carers Support West Wales website is a one stop shop for unpaid carers offering a quick and easy way to find carer specific information in the three counties.

Website: Carers Support West Wales | Cymorth Gofalwyr Gorllewin Cymru

Carers Trust

Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales is a specialist voluntary organisation providing support to Carers, giving them “time” to be themselves.


Carmarthen breakthro'

Carmarthen Breakthro’ is a small, independent charity that provides leisure, social and fun activities for children, aged 4 – 18, with additional needs and/ or a physical disability who live in and around the Carmarthen area.

We run a Saturday club throughout the year and various play schemes during the School holidays.

Website: Home –

Carmarthenshire People First

Carmarthenshire People First is an independent charity promoting independent advocacy, support and training for adults with learning disabilities, based in Carmarthenshire.

Website: Home | Carmarthenshire People First

Cartrefi Cymru

Cartrefi Cymru Co-op is a not for profit organisation. We mainly support people with learning disabilities in Wales. We are an innovative organisation that encourages the people we support, its employees and members of the community to be in control of one of Wales’ largest support providers. We celebrate everyone’s contribution. We build community. We co-operate.

Website: Cartrefi Cymru – Welcome

Catalysts for care West Wales

The Catalysts for Care project supports people with a caring nature to set up their own small, independent care / support services – known as ‘micro-enterprises’.

Website: PLANED | Catalysts for Care

Ceredigion Direct Payments

The Direct Payments Support Service provides support and guidance to individuals who choose to receive a direct payment and use the funds to become employers of Personal Assistants, or commission care services that fit their defined outcomes and preferred lifestyle choices.

Coleg Sir Gar

Coleg Sir Gâr and Coleg Ceredigion are two colleges in Wales that offer a range of courses, from A-Levels to apprenticeships, for learners of all ages and backgrounds.

Communities for Work +

Communities for Work Plus provides specialist employment advisory support and intensive mentoring for people with the legal right to live and work in the UK. You must be aged 20 years old or over, living in Wales and not in education, employment, or training, and have a complex barrier to employment.

Help to find a job – Carmarthenshire County Council



Disability Employment Advisor

Disability Employment Advisor who cover Job Centres, will be in attendance to provide general advice regarding benefits and job seeking. 

Website: Department for Work and Pensions – GOV.UK

Dyfed Powys Police: Cyber Crime Team

Dyfed Powys Police Cyber Crime Team will be at the event of  offer advice and support to prevent cyber crime. 

Website: Cyber crime | Dyfed-Powys Police


Early help team: Carmarthenshire COunty Council

The Early Help Team supports disabled/ autistic children/young people and their families. We are a short-term
early intervention service, and our aim is to support children/young people and their families to overcome
challenges and achieve their potential. Ages 0 – 25. 

Website: Early-Help-Team-who-are-we-and-what-do-we-do-PDF.pdf

Elidyr Communities Trust

Elidyr Communities Trust (offer both residential and day placements for post 19 further education for young adults with moderate to severe learning difficulties).



Family Information Service

The Family Information Service is a resource that offers assistance with finding childcare options, help with childcare costs, and resources for people looking after children. 

Website: HOME: Carmarthenshire Family Information Service – Carmarthenshire Family Information Service


Foothold Cymru is a social justice charity that empowers communities and individuals to achieve real change. We are united by a common vision: creating resilient communities where everyone has a decent standard of living.

Website: About us – Foothold Cymru

Frowen Fields

Explore the great outdoors enjoy and embark on adventures at our small family run farm  in rural West Wales Carmarthenshire

Website: Frowen Fields – Glamping, Campground, Camping, Glamping



Hwb bach y wlad: Carmarthenshire County Council

We know how difficult it is when you need support and don’t know where to turn – we want you to know that we are here for you.

We have a dedicated team of advisers who can help and will be visiting a town near you.

Everyone’s situation is different, but we are here to listen and help you apply for the support, services and money you may not know you are entitled to or any other wellbeing services that might help you.

Hwb Bach Y Wlad – Carmarthenshire County Council

Hywel Dd: Autism Diagnostic Team

The Hywel Dda Health Board autism diagnostic team Integrated Autism Team (IAS) and the Neurodevelopmental Team will be in attendance.

Hywel Dd: Social Prescribing Team

Social prescribing is an umbrella term that describes a person-centred approach to connecting people to local community assets

Social Prescribing – Public Health Wales






LLAMA (LLANELLI AUTISM MAMS ASSOCIATION) , is a parent carer support group,  covering West Wales. We provide activities, advice and support to neurodiverse and sensory difference families, both diagnosed and on the pathway. 

Facebook Group:  



Mencap is a UK charity that provides help, services, and accommodation for people with a learning disability.

Mid and west wales fire and rescue service


Website: Home

Mind: Llanelli

Llanelli Mind provides a varied programme of activities, sessions and structured workshops to help with your mental health and wellbeing. You can contact us for referrals or more information on how we can help you or someone you know today.

Website: Home


National Neurodivergence Team (WLGA)

The Team, co-ordinates meetings of the Autism leads forum.  The forum offers an opportunity to collaborate in developing and revising key resources and work on an all Wales basis.





Pembrokeshire County Council: Supported Employment Programme

The Supported Employment Programme is a group of local authority based enterprises that employs over 75 people with a disability or work limiting health condition. As well as offering paid supported employment, it also offers work experience, training and a work based day opportunities to a further approximately 75 people each week.

Website: Pembrokeshire Supported Employment Programme – Pembrokeshire County Council

People speak up

Connecting people and creating healthy, resilient communities through storytelling, spoken word, creative writing and participatory arts. We offer creative workshops, volunteering, training, events and conversations.


Physical Empowrment CIC

Physical Empowerment CIC is a Community Interest Company i.e. not for profit. We aim to offer our training, for free, to the people who need it the most.

Practically all courses and resources offered to people who have survived physical trauma are focused on mental and emotional confidence-building and empowerment but there are very few organisations in the UK which offer survivors of physical trauma the opportunity to get in touch with their own physicality and inner strength through physical training. 



PLANED is committed to improving communities quality of life by focusing on their opportunities, potential and helping them to achieve their aspirations.





Registered Speech and Language Practioner

Get in touch

Telephone :070976091129



Speech and Language Therapy | Speech Outreach | Wales

Ruskin mill trust

We will be promoting Ty’r Eithin (Carmarthenshire) and Coleg Plas Dwbl (Pembrokeshire) part of the Ruskin Mill Trust. We offer an exciting outdoor learning environment, utilising practical land and craft activities to support the development of work and life skills in young people (16-25) with autism and other learning difficulties.

Website: Ty’r Eithin – Ruskin Mill Trust


Skybound Therapies

Skybound Therapies provide specialist services for children, adolescents and adults across the UK, Europe and further afield.

Website: About – Skybound Therapies

Social Firm Wales

Social Firms Wales supports individuals and organisations to develop enterprises that place equity at the centre of their employment practice.

Website: Social Firms Wales


The Wallich

We believe that everyone deserves the right to a home, but more than that, that everyone deserves the right to feel safe, to feel valued and to feel positive about their future.

Website: The Wallich, Wales’ leading homelessness charity


Threshold DAS is an organisation committed to the elimination of violence and abuse of women, men, children and young people and those who are perpetrators through effecting political, cultural, and social change.

Website: Threshold

Tumble lindy Hop Jive CIC

A Community group that brings a fun, unique and nostalgic form of music and dance to the community suitable for ALL to enjoy. We have specially adapted dances, routines to allow people of all abilities to get involved, whether sitting, standing, using musical instruments or simply watching, listening and enjoying. Our sessions are fully inclusive, fun and hard to resist getting involved in. We are currently working with care homes, nursing homes, Parkinson`s UK, and also providing Therapeutic sessions with a host of community groups.

We get people moving and dancing to music to enhance mental and physical well-being. We tackle loneliness and seclusion.

Website: About your local Lindy hop dance club – Tumble Lindy Hop Jive


University of wales Trinity St davids

We have 20 subject areas for you to choose from each with a comprehensive range of courses ready to inspire you.




West Wales Shared Lives

We are a support service for people aged over 18 who want help to live independently in their community, with the support of a Shared Lives carer. We are an alternative to day care, supported living and residential care and serve communities across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire.

Website: Shared Lives – Carmarthenshire County Council