The RIC Hub ⎸ Bevan Exemplar
Prehab To Rehab
Development of a Community of Practice within General Medicine at Withybush General Hospital
Prehab To Rehab – Optimising Health And Wellbeing For Individuals With Prostate Cancer- Integrating The Service With Primary Care
The project: In October 2021, a new virtual service ‘Prostate Active Care Together’ (P.A.C.T) was funded, to implement best practice and holistic care that empowers people with prostate cancer to self-manage side effects of treatments and improve their health outcomes. The programme capitalises on the use of available technology and digital platforms, to ensure timely access to assessment and support.
Our new vision would be to work collaboratively with our primary care partners to evolve the service further, with the potential to be scaled up and adopted on a pan-Wales basis.
Approach: Using a stratified approach to symptom management provision, providing advice on the self-management of symptoms, exercise, healthy lifestyle, nutrition and advice on mood, fatigue, and wellbeing, for patients affected by prostate cancer within HDUHB.
Anticipated benefits:
• To allow prostate cancer patients in the community to access information/ interventions pre, during, and post cancer treatment. It will provide the opportunity for the team to cascade information to the primary care team if there are medical changes to the patient which needs to be addressed, avoiding escalation to emergency and outpatient services.
• Delivering preventative 1:1 and virtual group intervention sessions with patients in the community in achieving maximum health and wellbeing.
• Patients will be in greater control of their health and well-being needs and assume the expert patient role in relation to their own wellbeing, nutrition, and exercise.
• Improved wellbeing, quality of life and improved patient experience through a patient’s cancer journey.
Progress: In full implementation phase. Promotion with GP practices has stopped as there is too much work. Evaluation framework has been developed.
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